Lee‘s prime minister-designate should withdraw nomination
Lee‘s prime minister-designate should withdraw nomination
  • 제주타임스
  • 승인 2009.09.26
  • 댓글 0
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Negative public opinion regarding Chung Un-chan, the current nominee for prime minister, continues to grow following the conclusion of his National Assembly confirmation hearing. Expectations had been high, as Chung is a conscientious economist who once served as president of Seoul National University (SNU), but the hearing has revealed that he has a vested interest in supporting the wealthiest top 1 percent. Although the opposition parties’ decision, including the Democratic Party and the Liberty Forward Party, to not participate in the National Assembly’s special committee for the Prime Minister’s confirmation hearing to adopt an evaluation report intended to curb the Lee administration and ruling Grand National Party’s power, it was also in large part a reflection of this cooling of public support for Chung.

Since before the hearing, Chung had been the subject of allegations in no fewer than six areas. The submission of falsified residency information by his wife, an evasion of military service, tax evasion by reporting a lower real estate values on his property, self-plagiarism, and serving as adviser for a private business had been circulating, and are connected with the minimal level of morality that a public official must possess. During the hearing, Chung did nothing to dispel any of these allegations. Instead, we heard more new facts and allegations, including information about his activity as an “unofficial advisory council member” for Samsung, his acts to dissuade his son from giving up his nationality, and the transfer of 10 million Won from a businessman for “spending money” during Chung’s time in the U.S.

In comparison with the nomination processes of former university presidents, these allegations against Chung should serve as enough of a basis for a withdrawal. Song Ja had served as a former president of Yonsei University and deputy prime minister of the Ministry of Education during the Kim Dae-jung administration and withdrew from consideration for the position of prime minister as due to dual nationality issues with his wife and daughter. In addition, Lee Ki-joon, former president of SNU and deputy prime minister of the Ministry of Education during the Roh Moo-hyun administration resigned when it came to light that he had served as a director of a private company during his time as university president. The nomination agreement for Chang Sang, former president of Ewha Womans University and acting prime minister during the Kim Dae-jung administration, had been voted down based on a falsified residence registration. Chung is accused of improprieties far worse than these.

A larger problem is Chung’s stance and his understanding of the issues. Chung says he accepted the 10 million Won in spending money to avoid being “destitute.” With so many young unemployed individuals out there right now unable to find even a job paying one million Won a month, this is not something that someone hoping to be a prime minister for the working class should say. Chung also said that his son had planned to give up his U.S. citizenship, but he prevented him from doing so. This could be the expression of a father’s love, but it is not suited to a candidate for a prime minister who must bear a great responsibility in governance. Moreover, Chung has avoided any explanation on whether he served as an adviser for Samsung or on the discrepancies in his income and expenditures. One cannot help concluding that this is because of something unsavory lurking in the corners.

Chung continues to lobby National Assembly lawmakers for his ratification. Instead, he should be sincerely questioning whether he lives up to the ethical standards for public officials established in Korean society. The time has come for him to withdraw from consideration.

정운찬 후보자, 이쯤되면 스스로 물러나야

정운찬 국무총리 후보자에 대한 국회 인사청문회가 끝난 뒤 그에 대한 국민의 부정적 여론은 더욱 커지고 있다. 서울대 총장 출신의 양심적인 경제학자라고 해서 기대가 컸는데, 청문회를 지켜보니 ‘상위 1%의 전형적인 기득권층’이더라는 것이다. 민주당과 자유선진당 등 야당이 어제 심사보고서 채택을 위한 국회 총리인사청문특위에 불참한 것은, 정부·여당의 독주를 견제하려는 정치적인 속셈도 있겠지만 기본적으로 이런 싸늘한 여론을 반영한 측면이 크다.

정 후보자는 청문회 전부터 배우자 위장전입, 병역 기피, 다운계약서 작성, 소득세 탈루, 논문 중복 게재, 사기업체 고문 겸직 등 무려 여섯 가지 분야에 걸쳐 의혹을 받았다. 모두 공직자가 갖춰야 할 최소한의 도덕성과 관련한 것들이다. 하지만 정 후보는 청문회 과정에서 어느 의혹 하나 속시원히 불식하지 못했다. 오히려 삼성의 ‘비공식 자문위원’ 활동, 아들의 국적 포기 만류, 기업인으로부터 1000만원 ‘용돈’ 수수 등의 새로운 사실과 의혹이 드러났다.

이것만으로도 결격 사유가 충분하다. 같은 총장 출신만 봐도, 김대중 정권 때의 송자(연세대) 교육부총리는 부인과 딸의 이중 국적 문제로 사퇴했고, 노무현 정권 때의 이기준(서울대) 교육부총리는 총장 재직 때 사외이사 겸직 사실이 드러나 물러났다. 김대중 정권 때의 장상(이화여대) 총리 서리도 위장전입 등의 이유로 임명동의안이 부결됐다. 정 후보자는 이들보다 더하면 더했지 덜하지 않다.

더 큰 문제는 정 후보자의 자세와 인식이다. 그는 1000만원을 ‘궁핍’하지 말라고 용돈으로 받았다고 했다. 월급 100만원짜리 일자리도 못 구하는 청년 실업자들이 숱한데, 서민 총리를 지향하는 사람으로서 할 말이 아니다. 아들이 먼저 미국 국적을 포기하겠다고 했는데도 자신이 말렸다는 것도 아버지로서 애틋한 사랑의 표시일 수는 있겠지만 국정의 큰 책임을 질 총리 후보자로선 걸맞지 않다. 그는 삼성의 자문위원 여부, 수입과 지출의 차이에 대해서도 설명을 회피한다. 구린 구석이 있기 때문이라고 간주할 수밖에 없다.

정 후보자는 인준 통과를 위해 의원들을 상대로 로비를 계속하고 있다. 그보다는 스스로 우리 사회가 쌓아온 공직자 윤리 기준에 맞는 사람인지를 진지하게 고민해보고 결단을 내려야 할 때다.

[한겨레 사설 9/24]

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