President Lee ignores public opinion against media-related bills
President Lee ignores public opinion against media-related bills
  • 제주타임스
  • 승인 2009.08.01
  • 댓글 0
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During President Lee Myung-bak’s radio address yesterday, he expressed his opinion on the media-related bills. It was the president’s first statement on the matter since the Grand National Party’s (GNP) expedient passage and illegal handling of the bills. The conclusion he offered was a complete disappointment. His duplicitous attitude, in which he talks of “politics for the common man,” but then completely refuses to listen to the voices of the people, drives us to despair.

국민 뜻 무시하는 게 서민정치인가

이명박 대통령이 어제 라디오 연설에서 언론관련법에 대한 의견을 밝혔다. 한나라당의 불법 날치기 처리 이후 나온 대통령의 첫 의견 표명이었으니 관심이 가지 않을 수 없었다. 하지만 실망뿐이었다. 서민정치를 말하면서 국민의 소리에 전혀 귀를 기울이지 않는 행태는 차라리 절망스럽다.

[한겨레기사 7/27]

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