Railroading media bills to curry conservative paper favors won‘t save GNP
Railroading media bills to curry conservative paper favors won‘t save GNP
  • 제주타임스
  • 승인 2009.07.27
  • 댓글 0
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Grand National Party (GNP) floor leader Ahn Sang-soo said at a general meeting of the National Assembly yesterday that the media bills would help the Lee Myung-bak administration. He also suggested he would not be giving ground by saying it was the mission of the GNP to fight against the Democratic Party (DP), which was attempting to shake the foundations of the government. His statement suggests the fate of the administration rests with the passing of the media ownership and related bills, including the GNPs bill to amend the Broadcasting Law. Ahn also seemed to indicate that he would force through the laws in order to maintain the administration.

정권 유지법’본질 드러난 언론 관련법

안상수 한나라당 원내대표가 어제 의원총회에서 “미디어법은 이명박 정부의 성공에 도움이 되는 법”이라고 말했다. “정부를 흔드는 민주당에 맞서는 게 한나라당의 사명”이라며, 더는 밀리지 않겠다는 뜻도 밝혔다. 방송법 등 언론관련법 통과에 정권의 명운을 건 듯한 모습이다. 정권 유지를 위해선 강행처리를 불사하겠다는 말이기도 하다.

[한겨레기사 7/20]

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